Our 21 day guarantee commences from when the repairer has possession of Your Item and ceases the earlier of:.
Repair Time Guarantee: If We take longer than 21 days to repair Your Item, We will replace it with a new product or provide You with a Store Card. No Lemon Guarantee: During the period of Your Cover, if Your Item costs more than $400 and has been repaired three times under Your Premium Care Product Protection Plan, on the fourth time We will replace it with a new product or provide You with a Store Card. Replacement for products under $400: During the period of Your Cover, if Your Item costs less than $400 and it suffers a Breakdown, We will replace it with a new product or provide a Store Card.
Peace of mind: You are Covered for problems with the functionality or operation of Your Item, including Fair Wear and Tear, during the term of Your Premium Care Product Protection Plan.
Benefits of the Premium Care Product Protection Plan This product comes with a 12 month manufacturer's warranty.